Mechanical object avoidance shield parts list

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Mechanical object avoidance shield parts list

Photo Quantity Part Remarks Distributor Distributor Order Number Price per Item Sum
Shield Breadboard-800x.JPG
1 Breadboard 3x7cm Size is important so that switches 'reach' out and touch objects! Taobao [link] 0.8 0.8
Header male SIL closeup-800x.JPG
2 8x1 2.54mm Male Single row header (SIL) Taobao link 0.1 0.2
Hookup wire.JPG
1 Hookup wire Recycled - Scavenged - item 0 0
3 Micro Switch SS-5GL2 any one with lever or roller will do (or can add a 'whisker extension' for example a plastic tube/strip) Taobao [link] 1.4 4.2
2 delivery fees Taobao 6 12
TOTAL Y 17.2
Total US$ 2.71

2012-09-18:- Edited expired part links, so they now work, but still point to same part!

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