Talk:Introduction to programming using Arduino

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Here is proposed timing and structure of the Introduction.

This needs to be followed fairly closely along with the course notes ... there is a little bit of time for extra talking, but only a little!

The goal is to give a brief introduction to everything so that they can QUICKLY get to the MORE INTERESTING stuff in the second session "Introduction to Arduino"

Time Length Minutes Activity Description 10 late start delay

15 Introductions (staff & participants), Name cards, where are the toilets, fire escapes, hackerspace etiquette, drinks, money box, good to china, XCJ membership, free Wed night + tour & intro

   ?? Does XCJ already have an introduction - blurb on the above?
   ?? IN INTRODUCTIONS Ask them for
           - name - languages spoken??? - are there any one language people here (Spencer put up your hand!)
           - why are you here - what do you want from this workshop
           - areas of interest (robotics, art, camera, home, ...), ***any project ideas** that you want to share AND get help wiht during Sunday Afternoon?
       ... &/or tell them to bring these ideas to the workshop, OR say will ask at start of advanced session on Sunday
   Format = informal - please ask questions during course
   ... but we have a lot to get through .. so sometimes we will have one person assist you, while continues, sometimes - we say wait until break
   ?? If some concepts like programming and electronic parts, are a bit confusing, hang in, because there are plenty of examples and hands on that will help make it clearer!
   Also generally if you can understand the what this does concept, or you know what you want to do, then heaps of examples to get you started.
       - Intro to programming about 1 hour
       - BREAK
       - Intro to Arduino - making it respond and do things in the real world!
       - Summary + ??BRING IDEAS FOR TOMORROW??
   Tomorrow ( morning start.. afternoon let them hack at the space! )
       - extending Arduino - libraries 
       - extending Arduino - interfacing with things, i2c, spi, datasheets
       - timers/sleep/wdt
       - big project..

5 How computers work < 4 min

5 Arduino Kit handout & explore 5 minutes

   .. to keep this short say something like "Lets get started using the Arduino!"
       .. if asked - we will use the extra parts after the break

40+ 8 x ~5 minutes exercises ... some a bit longer with debugging >>5 2nd exercise INCLUDES connect Arduino to laptop and upload = + 5 minutes to the 5 minutes coding task >> **** EACH PROG GIVE FIXED NAME AND MAKE sure they save with that name!!!! FOCUS - TALK is strictly what is on the wiki - no extra rambling!!!!!!!!!

   ..... aim is to get to the "Introduction to Arduino" ASAP!!!!!

80 (includes 10 for late start) 90 - includes extra debug & issues - talk time