Assistive Devices

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Assistive Devices

Release status: unknown [box doku]

Description Designing, making, hacking learning about devices to assist people undertake everyday tasks
Author(s)  Spencer Featherstone
Last Version  ongoing sessions

Assistive Devices are anything, physical, electronic or software to help people accomplish everyday tasks. This is the index page for Assistive Device information and projects from Xinchejian members. Assistive Devices 是一个为残疾人设计的装置 - 此装置涉及到非常广的技术范围 ,学用此装置是动手学做玩意儿的好方式

Why Assistive Devices?

Most solutions needs customising to individuals needs.
Solutions that we build here may not work as well as commercial solutions. However, they can be easily and cheaply modified to suit the specific requirements of individuals.

Key Goals of Assistive Devices at Xinchejian

  • Please read this introduction: Assistive Devices PDF presentation
  • Create comprehensive solutions for people
  • Create a process for understanding needs and building solutions
  • Centralize information on Assistive Devices

Assistive Devices that Xinchejian members are working on

This is a summary table of devices Xinchejian members have started working on. Click through the links for details. There are lots of "work in progress", but more information being added frequently!

Device Controls Controlled by Movement Buttons Approx $US Approx RMB (if purchased in China) Open Source - computer software Open Source - Hardware Open Source - Hardware firmware/code operating system Computer requirements Hardware summary Installation & construction Status Notes
USB Joystick
mouse movements and buttons hand grasp 2 axis mouse control, some have z twist which can be used usually 2+, often 4+ See BOM list for cost estimates. Apple Linux Windows USB port USB joystick USB Joystick Works may require joystick to be mounted on stable surface
Thumb joystick
mouse movements and buttons thumb and hand grasp, or if joystick fixed to surface a finger or palm 2 axis mouse control One Apple Linux Windows USB port Thumb joystick , Teensy++ 2 or similar - device that appaears as USB HID mouse Thumb joystick Works
mouse movements and buttons hand, wrist, finger, foot Point, twist/rotate/tilt, move, jerk, tap/bump require added button hardware, or software implementation Apple Linux Windows USB port Accelerometer MMA7660 or similar. Teensy++ 2 or similar - device that appears as USB HID mouse Accelerometer prototype Currently poor mouse control - needs work!
Accelerometer and Gryo (and Compass)
mouse movements and buttons hand, wrist, finger, foot Point, twist/rotate/tilt, move, jerk, tap/bump require added button hardware, or software implementation Apple Linux Windows USB port Accelerometer MPU-6050/GY521 or similar. Teensy++ 2 or similar - device that appears as USB HID mouse Accelerometer and Gryo (and Compass) prototype Works VERY WELL!
mouse movements and buttons Eye(s) 2 axis mouse control software buttons Apple Linux Windows USB port Web camera and prefer Infrared light Eyetracker prototype have not got working yet – need to add visible light filter

Ideas for Improvements

  • Leap Motion - Ask for the hardware. They may give to hackerspace for free - message has been sent requesting help!
  • Leap Motion with Arduino and Node.js
  • Hole/area with four switches - arm/hand moves = mouse
  • 3D glasses or similar - ie computer screen in glasses - this avoids the need to move big computer screen around

More Notes

Tasks - progress updates & Help wanted

See also

External Links