Weekly Update 2013-04-24

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going out wednesday!

Wednesdays is XinCheJian openhouse to give people an opportunity to explore the space and meet new people, we're having fun and so should you!

announcements this week:

  1. Ladies, it's your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now
  2. 新车间对广大的女同志们的优惠还在继续,只要付3个月的会员费就会得到免费一个月会员!
  1. May Holiday - During the May holiday the space will be open, come down and build something, however, dont expect it to be open before 10am.. it's a holiday after all, if you are a member and wish to use the space earlier, please email staff@xinchejian.com and get confirmation first, otherwise it could be a long wait.

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述

This week is all about makers projects, Get update on projects and demos along with future plans

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

It's a wild Wednesday! get an update on whats going on and what projects you can join.

Possible presentations, How to Print an ASS, QuadCopter, DoorBells, Social Glasses, it's so loose, it's anarchy!