Weekly Update 2013-04-17

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going out wednesday!

Its getting into summer season soon, As you come out of hibernation from the cold why dont you plant yourself at the hackerspace and make something this season before the rain starts. 梅雨未至炎似夏,躲在家里能干啥?大家还不赶快来新车间实现自己的创客梦想!

announcements this week:

  1. Ladies, it's your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now
  2. 新车间对广大的女同志们的优惠还在继续,只要付3个月的会员费就会得到免费一个月会员!
  1. Want to work on your idea or use your skills in a work bridging art & technology?

Come to the 1st Make+ Meetup on May 5, 2~5pm. More details on makeplus.org

  1. 您是否对将艺术与科技结合的想法有兴趣?无论您是有想法还是想展现一下技术才能,都可以来参加5月5号下午2点到5点的Make+ 会议,更多具体信息请参看 makeplus.org

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述

  1. Miya the co-founder of Sassor / Sassor 创始人之一 Miya
  2. Mika and Edward - DotDotDot PAL, IKEA hack the lamps / DotDotDot 网络控制宜家台灯组
  3. Jia Shu - PM2.5

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

Sassor is a commercial company out of Haxlr8r, they build an Energy Literacy Platform - a tool that allows small offices/restaurants to track their energy consumption other than getting the energy bill each month Sassor 为 Haxlr8r 旗下的商业公司,他们制作了一个能耗感知系统,一个帮助小型公司/餐馆除了账单以外的管理他们的能源使用状况的工具。

Mika and EdwardRF will be presenting DotDotDot, also know as P.A.L, Personal Addressable Lights, an internal interactive lighting display. Mika and EdwardRF DotDotDot 工作室的第一个交互灯光作品

Jia Shu also a XinCheJian member will be showing how you can build your own low cost PM2.5 Sensor 我们的新车间会员Jia Shu 将教你们怎样制作一个廉价的PM2.5 检测系统。