Weekly Update 2013-01-09

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going out wednesday!

We hope by now that your Christmas gifts have broken and that you have already started hacking them! we've got a great line up this week of presenters, also keep an eye for Dork Bot announcement to be hosted on the 19th. Since it's a new year, why not be more active and make something! make stuff!

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述

This weeks lineup is as follows: Rick Sheridan, an expert in sourcing components. Hailing a NY storyteller, Colt Ma, and his Arduino based coffee roaster! Lobtail is flying in to show-off cloud-lab and 1626 潮流双周刊 magazine will be interviewing people!

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

Rick Sheridan, CEO of RST in San Francisco and friend of Mitch Altman will be presenting this evening, his expertise is in management of sourcing for OEMS and i bet he has some hairy stories to share.

Hailing from Shanghai, China, Dd ( Yang Jiang 江暘 ) is a New-York based visual storyteller that incorporates a multitude of mediums such as photography, painting, videography, interactive design and more into her art. For her, art is an essential way to approach her inner-self as well as the mysteries of nature. She attempts to honor both timeless wonders in the nature and the time-bound world of form. Now, she is pursuing her second master’s degree at the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU, where she is developing new modalities to integrate the beauty and intelligence of nature into the everyday lives of people.

自动咖啡烘焙机:项目刚起步,原型机Mark I基于一台小型爆米花机+arduino改造而来,通过大量的测试调整,已有了比较稳定的效果。 - The Arduino based coffee roaster Mark I ! based on an old popcorn machine.

Lobtail the creator of cloud-lab is building an interesting community tool, a virtual hackerspace with tools and equipment available for loan and projects published and collaboratively worked on.

Upcoming Events/近期活动安排

Dorkbot shanghai #6 - free to attend http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=158 - on the 19th, just sign up.

一起来做群体机器人X-Bot / Let's make swarmbot-'X-Bot' together http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=160 - the 20th 10-1:30pm

My brave robot workshop - compassion towards lifelikes and other non humans #brvrbt http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=159 - 2-5pm on the 20th of January