Weekly Update 2012-12-12

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going out wednesday!

Congratulations to those that built a 3D printer on the weekend, Lucio was excited and nervous to host this workshop, being his first ever one! You've all done very well and not given up! Look out for more improvements and more workshops from High Energy - i don't sleep - Lucio!

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述

胡介鸣 - BlackBoxlab Alex Cureton-Griffiths - SpaceGAMBIT

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

胡介鸣 will be presenting blackboxlab and some of their installation work done previously and how you can also get involved. Using art, electronics, design, interaction, any action! check out http://www.blackboxlab.org

Alex from SpaceGAMBIT will hopefully be presenting this evening, it's been hard to pin him down, so we just tied a rope to his rocketship!

who else? *your name here* it's also adhoc, so get ready, just keep it to 9 minutes plus Q&A afterwards

Upcoming Events/近期活动安排

RoboRacing - Winner Takes all! - for bragging rights - 2012/12/16 1pm - 3pm racing entry: 100rmb http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=156

it's high stakes winner takes ALL, sign up if you plan to enter a robot into the autonomous racing competition, the more people the higher the prize.

Have a heart - Mika and Edward are going to run another digital heart workshop - some/time/soon Put together, solder and animate the most recent version of digitalHeart, using the web based, stop frame animation, you can program it with what ever animation you want! this is a small scale of what they just have completed with 64 IKEA lamps!