Weekly Update 2012-08-22

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going out tuesday 21st!

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述, 22 August 2012


Wednesday is our openhouse, if you would like to give a presentation please see the guidelines first before contacting us: http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/Wednesday-guidelines when ready, send an email to wednesday@xinchejian.com

本周上海天气意外的好,见到久违了的蓝天白云;新车间周三开放日也将有幸披星挂月如约而至。若有兴趣和大家分享你的创客项目或是天马行空的想法,欢迎随时联系新车间 wednesday@xinchejian.com;同时也可以通过网页了解更多有关周三开放日及演讲者活动 - 每周三开放日活动-介绍 - http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/Wednesday-guidelines


  • Ben Houge - max/MSP

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

  • Ben Houge - no stranger to Shanghai, Ben has has worked on large game titles creating sounds for many well known games, he will be giving a talk on how he's been using max/MSP to create his musical pieces.

I'll present a quick look a number of recent projects that exist somewhere between video games, digital art, and music composition, likely including the following:

Cycles, Tides, and Seasons A two screen, 8 x 12 foot real-time video piece running all summer at Boston's Harbor Island Pavilion, visualizing data from the Islands on three different time scales http://bostoncyberarts.org/category/specialproject/

DoppelLab The focus of my artist residency at MIT last winter, working with the Responsive Environments team at the Media Lab to sonify data from ubiquitous sensor networks in the Unity game engine http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2012/visiting-artist-ben-houge-panel.html

Food Opera: Four Asparagus Compositions A collaboration with chef Jason Bond, in which I created a real-time algorithmic accompaniment to a four course, asparagus-based tasting menu using video game scoring techniques http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2012/05/29/153950254/the-sounds-of-asparagus-as-explored-through-opera

Kaleidoscope Music A real-time, six channel sound installation that algorithmically filters environmental sound, first presented at Beijing's Today Art Museum in 2009, and expanded for a show at Boston's Axiom Center last fall. http://benhouge.com/kaleidoscope.html

有兴趣在周三开放日里和大家说说你的想法吗?欢迎随时联系我们: wednesday@xinchejian.com Have something good to present? email wednesday@xinchejian.com for a short overview.

Upcoming Events/近期活动安排

轻巧巡线小车工作坊 - Analog line follower workshop

  • 2012/08/25
  • http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=138
  • 学习制作一台自我驱动且能够按照既定线路行驶的小车
  • Learn how to build a self-driving robot car that can follow a line.

机器车竞赛 - Roboracing Competition

  • 2012/08/26
  • http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=137
  • 巡线小车都做完了,那。。。是骡子是马,拉出来溜溜吧
  • It's time to race your self-driving robot car in the Roboracing competition!

About XinCheJian/新车间简介

新车间是以社区方式运行的非盈利创客空间,成立于上海。新车间的使命是支持、创建并推广物理计算、开源硬件和物联网。为了达成这个目标,新车间会积极举办讲座、研讨、项目、初创推广、工坊、竞赛,同时新车间也会参与国际竞赛。 我们的长期目标是在中国各地传播创客空间的理念以及推广创客的文化;期待你的加入和支持。 XinCheJian is a community-run hackerspace located in the heart of Shanghai. Our mission is to support technology projects through talks, discussions, projects, and competitions. We are a non-profit community-based organization, and your support is appreciated!

请点击 http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/Xinchejian_Membership - 新车间会员 获得更多信息。 Find out more about being a http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/Xinchejian_Membership - Xinchejian member.