Weekly Staff Meetings/2015-12-15
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Staff Meeting Notes 2015-12-15, 20:40 to Notes: Andi Staff: Chris, Kevin, Amanda, (late: Roger) Observers: ---
Thumbs up / Props / Congrats
- We got JD event! Rented the space for 2 hours for our regular rate. 7.30-9.30
- People on staff dont visit the space enough outside of staff meetings
- People on staff don't visit the space during staff meetings.
- Staff to attend at staff meeting at least twice per month.
- And be on time is never on time.
- At least do 2 meetings per month.
- Amanda to form a proposal on minimum responsibilities of staff
License Update
- Government needs company to update three licenses into one.
- Accountant have everything and it should be done by the end of the week. Amanda and Chris are handling it.
le souhait Offers Discount on Beer
- Le Souhait Offer XinCheJian members a discount of 20% off on beer.
- They just give us flyers to show there and they will give us the discount.
- Chris is receiving the flyers.
Template for proposal for XinCheJian
- done, written, now market it and translate it.
- kevin to follow up with ricky to create the autoresponder for the partnerships.
DFRobot Vending Machine Sponsorship Cooperation Options
PROPOSAL/ONHOLD (MIN LIN TO FOLLOW UP): Vending Machine Donation with us managing the inventory
- Result:
- DF-ROBOT wants to control stock - does not conflict with dfRobot products
- Request a 20% space to be kept for XCJ (tshirts example, memberships)
- No rev-share on XCJ products
- Request 30% of price sold
- Trial period - 6months trial
- Kevin to write to Minlin to get final proposal.
- Minlin sent us a proposal without the requests above
- Minlin get back to DFROBOTS
This Week's Events
- Atmel-JD Hardware Experience sharing salon. Thursday 17th/12.
- Do promotion on social media channels (done)
- Prepare water (bought)
- Need wireless mic ( Amanda on it)
- Chris will be there to help.
Wednesday Open Night
- Host (Chinese/English): Chris
- Announcement: Paul (newsletter), CHRIS (WeChat)
- Presentations - Host: Chris
- Rock: Make with a purpose (making and design thinking together)
- Zhang: Differential mechanisms
- Yao: How to be a full-stack developer
- Teacher Huang: physics demos
- Announcements
- t-shirts for sale for 100RMB for non members, 50rmb to members
- to demonstrate at open house, free gift for 1 year members.
- 3 people done it
- Profile page on wiki for all staff.
- picture
- intro
- t-shirts for sale for 100RMB for non members, 50rmb to members
- Minlin pushing to get LED bar donated to XCJ
- Minlin... news?
XCJ trademark
- Paul says useless
- Kevin says do it, for 800 rmb just do it.
- paul to do
- We are waiting Paul. Paul sign and chop!
Problems this Week
- figure out what we need for replacing missing ram.
- chris to ask leoyan to find out what need to be bought.
Hacker scholarship
RICKY/CHRIS: to announce Hacker Scholarship ("Lioship" see below)
- weekly update: remote control for xinchejian light. an old chinese guy is doing it.
- We got a licence for six mont from Altium, need to be installed.
- Leoyan can do it with the ram?
- CHRIS to setup with DFRobot ordering account -> managers@xinchejian.com
- AMANDA to write instructions and publish it.
- More sponsorships?
- CHRIS: Altium high-end PCB design (waiting on proposal for licenses - update after CNY);
- Follow up on a training session
- ANDI: potential lead at Google, no pitch yet (cheap-mobile-for-India guy that is very keen to help hackerspaces)
- LIO: Lio is following up with Microsoft, guy is not getting back to him; follow up; follow follow up
- proposal by Andi: sponsor a position
- CHRIS: Altium high-end PCB design (waiting on proposal for licenses - update after CNY);
Group picture of staff
- need to print the page, wiki, new website (profile)
- Amanda to get new picture of staff members \o/
- ANDI: will share a demo - on github, xinchejian
- ANDI: will publish wires - on github, xinchejian
- Online again by the end of the year!
- paul to give ricky access to XCJ machine
Bouncer is not stable
- Investigate, broken, report back to git issues.
PROBLEM: mini wants to give us only 20 cards. F@ck that.
- PROPOSAL: 1 year + special cases. (Chris to menage i)
More Hackerspaces opening up
They can get in touch with us on staff@xinchejian.com
Chris Salary
- Lucio away
- Sean is leaving too
- who's gonna maintain our machines?