Weekly Staff Meetings/2014-06-10
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Date: 2014 06 10 Present: Amanda, Lucio, Kevin, Freda, Andi, Lio
Xinchejian Moving
- Ready by Friday?!
- Who is able to help move? Andi, Freda, Amanda, Lio, Kevin
- AMANDA to ANNOUNCE and RECRUIT on Weibo and Google Groups
- LUCIO to do an inventory of equipment / tools
- Xinchejian will move equipment to machine room, LUCIO to do machine room inventory there.
- Use the existing door for now
- Open to using other methods for entering the door
Space Layout
- LUCIO to send layout to staff
- Discussion to work out fair allocation of space
- Discuss Roger space usage - 10 sqm tentative ? -- Please weigh in on this.
- Approved! Congrats to Lucio
- 1050 RMB to pay accountant -- cool
- FREDA to pay
- Will be able to issue fapiao in August
- Accountant to attend training (when she fixes dates)
- Affects sponsorship
3D Printer
- Xinchejian to essentially handoff to Xinfab
- AMANDA to tell Jason
- Lucio to manage, Xinchejian members to get access and get a cut
Xinfab - Xinchejian Cooperation
- Xinchejian Xinfab Cooperation - Official cooperation terms between Xinchejian and Xinfab
- LUCIO to copy the previous notes of cooperation into the wiki
- This will help us avoid constantly bringing up old topics
- Also let us see the latest cooperation
Event Payment System - Vasee.com
- Tested membership payment - It works, tested by Amanda
- AMANDA to post on the website
Alipay Account
- AMANDA to create a new purely Xinchejian account
Shanghai Library Workshop - LUCIO INCOME
- Xinchejian - no cut for Xinchejian?
- Existing System: 20% Shanghai Library, 80% Workshop Facilitator
- Proposed System: 20% Shanghai Library, 30% Xinchejian, 50% Workshop Facilitator
- If there are objections -- please write now
Bosch Drones
- Talk with David?
- 15 July deadline
Jing'an Youth Activity Center
- For middle school, high school
- For DIY projects
- AMANDA is talking with them
- Trial workshop on 20 July
- Guarantee 20-30 people
- AMANDA to recruit workshop facilitator
Calling for Interns / Volunteers / Slaves
- Make a call for interns
- AMANDA to recruit them
- AMANDA to send to staff minimum requirements
- Potentially offer free membership
- Expectation 2-3
ARM Movies Dude
- LIO to respond and say, what's in it for us?
- Politely ask for a donation?
- Could always use more ARM stuff
Wednesday Night
- 5 speakers
- AMANDA to send to LIO the speakers
- PAUL and DAVID already sent on staff wechat
- NOTED - Lio would like to note, that Amanda is being a pain in the buttocks
- LIO to send it
Payment to Space
- KEVIN - Make a draft for Amanda
- AMANDA to send
Explicit Space Manager Duties
- EDWARD needs to start discussion
Equipment List
- SENT --
Shanghai Maker's Carnival - October
- October 2014
- No news
- AMANDA to talk to rockets
PCB Design Workshop (Paul)
- 3 whole people
- It's ok.
- MINI BMW - 100k RMB - proposal. NEED INVOICE.
- Frog - Waiting on INVOICE
- Microsoft - No response, need reboot
- Singtel Innov8 - Received!
Qingdao Hackerspace
- Haier - FREDA sent email, and will discuss with Amanda and Edward
- They want Xinchejian to set up hackerspaces in colleges
- uh...
- We're supposed to make a proposal
- Jiaotong, Tongji, - main universities
- Like Fablab in Tongji
- Give them promotion
- Sponsored by Haier
- LUCIO is interested
Staff Official Stuff
- ANDI to work on it
- Lucio - photoboard - not finished
- Paul - to do the wiki
Stickers, Business Cards
- STICKER: ANDI to make new stickers - website
- Skydrive -
- Flickr - Meet the makers - AMANDA couldn't find
- Shanghai Library - AMANDA to follow up
- ANDI to help AMANDA
Workshop: Hydroponics - ROGER
- Tentatively on June 14, next Saturday
- Waiting for 5 people to sign up
- AMANDA to work with ROGER