Weekly Staff Meetings/2013-11-26

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Date: 20131126
Present: Paul, Kevin, Aaron, Lucio, Edward, Jonathan, KJ, Jonas 


  • who owns the glass??If no one claims it Lucio takes it. Lucio to send email to Susan and Transist about glass
  • Projector is broken - Lucio and Edward to confirm working state of lamp today (potential cost of 500 RMB)
  • CubScouts - Pine Wood Derby Event: wants to use space for 70-80 people to use space - 20-30 RMB/head per hr (2hrs). Need to do some training, Paul not available. Training should take place on Wednesday before. Needs:

- Open space: Kevin - Someone there in case problems: Leo has right of first refusal

  • Laser cutter downstairs - needs people to help bring it down and clean the space downstairs. Need to block area from dust entry.

Proposal: Lucio to ask W&K about laser cutter access, Lucio and Edward to hold a workshop on operation only, out of this, a deputy may arise. weekend of 14th-15th. Proposal to charge for usage per sheet "not shit" used.


  • Wednesday presenters:

11/27/14 - Aaron going to run the event, setup, - Paul to send out newsletter

  • Aaron's friend wants to host some sort of workshop - to clarify date
  • KJ to write up description to advertise his Google App Engine Workshop - wants 10-15 participants
  • Hackyizu

Dec 1st warmup event. Main event Dec 7th 8th. Details. Needs Help - Estimate 50 people, some sponsorship from DFRObot, 1000 RMB per team, 10 teams. There will be gear. Needs: - suggestions of what to order by next Tuesday - - some social media support from staff - support from staff on 1st, 7th, 8th.

Some of the gear donated from DFR will be left here for others to use. Theme - something around Arduino Suggestion: Dec 1st, Sunday at 5PM is the warm-up activity. Suggestion: have DFR come on Dec 1st and show their stuff to the group and let them select stuff. Edward volunteers for Chinese workshop Free lunch on 7th, 8th, Red bull, alcohol provided at cost.

  • Arduino workshop from several weeks ago: Kevin to give money to Paul. >2,040 collected for workshop fee.
  • Volunteer for entering membership data into spreadsheet - Jonas to handle