Parts and Tools inventory, items for loan, swap and sale

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Xinchejian is managing Parts, Tools and Projects and where things are in an online system from [PartKeepr], which was created by members of the [German HackerSpace RaumZeitLabor].

The [Xinchejian install of PartKeepr] has also been setup to enable:

  • Tracking member locker allocation
  • Track loans
  • Provide a way to swap and sell
  • Advertise and manage items wanted and group buys.

It is highly recommended that you read the short overview of [PartKeepr Concepts], to help understand what it does and just how it works.

If you need a little bit more see [Getting Started] and [FAQ].

PartKeepr is open source, so you are encouraged to contribute to the [code], [wiki documentation], [issues], [forum] and they are open to donations! There is a demonstration install that you can play with at [demo].

Xinchejian PartKeepr

The rest of this page focusses on things specific to Xinchejian.

First thing: It is highly recommended that you read the short overview of [PartKeepr Concepts], to help understand what it does and just how it works. This was written by a XCJ member so it is very relevant and can help you avoid some frustrations by understanding just how to do things!

If everyone uses PartKeepr even just a few minutes everytime you come to the space, it will soon have all Xinchejians part and project details and locations! You can even access it externaly via the internet!

Access to Xinchejian PartKeepr

  • [Xinchejian PartKeepr]
  • Account - please ask or email spanner888 or nihaopaul (at Individual accounts are strongly preferred so it is easy to know who "knows about an item", or an order of parts. It will also help the loans, wanted etc work better.
  • Administrator account - please ask or email spanner888 or nihaopaul (at


  • Make sure you save Parts, Projects, Distributors, Manufacturers, Footprints, etc. There is no warning that your changes will be lost if you navigate to a different page!
  • If "Tip of the day" is empty, go to System-User Preferences page and reset.
  • There are only three menu items, but do expore them as there is quite a few useful functions!
  • The screen layout has collapsable areas eg filters might need to be clicked on to make it appear.
  • Typing in some fields will auto-search, some need you to press enteData can be exported from every screen by right clicking.
  • Adding new items such as categories or locations, the new entry may appear at the bottom of the current section and for new parts, you will need to click the refresh button at bottom of screen (NOT the browser refresh!)
  • Update the categories and locations to add EXTRA description. This is really handy when you have many similar locations.


  • discuss lockers, members: loans, lost... ===>> just mention & have seperate sections
  • Categories - some still need translation
   2 Passive Components
       3 Inductors
           1 Inductors
           2 Coils
           3 Drossel = Throttle?? adjustable coils????
           4 Transformers  Transformatoren
           5 Transformers  Übertrager
   3 Electromechanical Components
       1 Switch
       2 Button
       3 Connector
       4 Relay
       5 Schütze
       6 Line motor protection switch (Leitungs- Motorschutzschalter)


  • Use generic names by default - so there is a logical way to find the locations.


  • add description to end - much easier to find - give EXAMPLE


  • Currently parts can only be in ONE location. This makes loaning and other activities difficult when there is more than one of the item. For loans, it is suggested that you DUPLICATE the item, add "ON LOAN" to the name and place the new item in the on loan category. You should also set the in stock quantity. There is a PartKeepr issue raised to change this.


  • ADD NOTES ON LOANS ETC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Setup web cam on a XCJ computer so that photos of parts and projects can easily be added to ParKeepr.
  • review web site and wiki content that overlaps PartKeepr. Some content obviously needs to remain public. Set wiki/site pages up so can easily update with exports from Partkeepr? Some pages to review include [[1]], [[]], [[2]], [[3]], [[4]], [[5]].
  • get current data accurate
  • do stocktake - get qty updated!
  • add prices
  • make lots small stickers to nag about update part db!!!!!
  • do one/two posters with what pk is & how to use!!!!
   "If you can't find something - look in the Parts database!"
   ... plus if you have trouble finding, then make sure you add it once found!!!!!
  • rss feed - is cron running - cron dir/script says /feed.rss
  • add more Projects - eg OSC6 PCB/kit?? + cf txt file more kits

PartKeepr Example parts

PartKeeper SwarmRobot AtTiny2313 -this is from a project report

[WIP install notes .. the install may be moving already] + add info/link to forum/issue on importing....