High Voltage Programming

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High Voltage Programming using a HVSP ("High Voltage Serial Programmer") can help to revive some of the refurbished Atmel AVR chips bought off of Taobao.

I used Atmel's AVR STK500 v2 programmer, with the jumper configured as shown here.

avrdude -c stk500hvsp -U lfuse:w:0x72:m -U hfuse:w:0xff:m -p t13 -P /dev/tty.usbserial-FTAJMENA

Use fusecalc to determine the hex value for your fuses (the 0x72 and 0xff in the line above.)

"-p" specifies the device, in this case ATtiny13 (or ATtiny13A).

"-P" specifies the port. Check with ls /dev/tty.* in Terminal or in the Arduino IDE.

During High-Voltage Programming, STK500 applies 12V to the AVR’s RESET line. Thus, an external reset circuit not capable of handling this must be disconnected before High-Voltage programming the AVR.