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Harvey is a brutal murdering Tilapia, that has left scores of other fish in tatters.

Harvey circa July 2015.jpg


Harvey was brought to Xinchejian with a group of 9 other tilapia siblings. Harvey emerged from his brood, as the only survivor, having finished off his rivals through the ancient rite of big fish eating little fish.

Harvey continued his path of destruction, laying waste to scores of goldfish and vigorously attempting to eat any object or finger that lay across his path.


As is the case with all great conquerors, there were those who looked upon Harvey's achievements with envy and disdain, and they conspired to bring this legendary fish down to the level of mortal fish. One day during the 2016 Chinese New Year holiday, the murderer(s) hatched their dastardly plan and attacked Harvey in the one place where he had no power: the whole world outside of his fish tank, specifically the part where the water and air pump was connected to electricity. Having disconnected the equipment that kept him alive, he died an agonizing and slow death that was unbefitting of his stature.


They say that he who seeks vengeance must dig two graves; where is the shovel, and who shall go in the other grave? Harvey must be avenged.

See also